Sniff Test

A scratch event for bold new works

Following over a year of building a creative home for ourselves at the iconic Birkenhead Arts Palace, we created our first Arts Council Funded event within the space: Sniff Test.

As part of Potato Milk (do you get it - sniff test, like how you sniff milk?), we passed the mic on to artists of all disciplines who were keen to share something new.

This event was pay-what-you-decide, with any proceeds raised donated to the Sudan Benefit Fund.

We offered a put of funding for any artists who needed financial support to reach the venue; free food for all attendees, and a BYOB policy.

The very first Sniff Test saw a live rendition of original Doctor Who fan fiction, an exclusive Potato Milk preview, puppetry, and Isaac’s bum with a smiley face on it.

We hope to see plenty more at the next event! (Apart from Isaac’s bum - we don’t need any more of that - his mum might batter us).


Together We Are Proud


Ongoing collaborations